When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Go Green.
Wolff Specialties comes along side the future of propane conversions and repairs.
With gasoline and Diesel prices on the rise, and the insatiable worldwide demand for refined petroleum products, today more than ever autogas is shining through as an inexpensive and environmentally friendly alternative fuel and abundant energy source in North America. Fleet operators worldwide are enjoying the benefits of alternative fuels, realizing significant savings on their operating costs and contributing to a cleaner environment.
Suburban Propane
This is my third conversion with a VSI system that Wolff Specialties has installed on my vehicles. I am a Regional Sales Manager for Suburban Propane and I travel a lot. The cost savings in fuel alone is remarkable and the system pays for itself very quickly. The beauty of this type of system is that they can be re-installed on the same family type vehicle. Although I change my vehicle every few years, I don't change the system, the same system is applied on the new vehicle and the cost is only for the installation. Dan has been servicing my vehicles for several years and has been there for outstanding technical advise and service throughout and I feel that Wolff Specialties provides the whole package. Dan provides expertise in the field of propane conversions, quality product line, technical support and maintenance that is honest, quality and is reliable as the day is long. Very satisfied for over 15 years.
Gary Hepting, Regional Sales Manager
United Fire Health & Safety
United Fire Health & Safety got Tough and went Green last year! Ed with United says; We had 80% of our fleet Go Green, Wolff Specialties installed a LPG system on all our trucks. Already we have seen a return on our investment. We have had great success with our fleet and it has shown on our bottom line. Wolff Specialties has shown us a great product, great customer service and his expertise in this field has shown through with the quality work he has provided.
Ed, United Fire Health & Safety